Looking for a Personalized Diet Plan?
With all the sudden increase in diseases and health concerns, most people have a hard time eating properly and doing the right things for their immunity.
Yes, certain foods can boost immunity.
But they will not change your immunity overnight. They are effective only if you properly incorporate them into your daily diet and change your lifestyle over some time.
That’s why we brought you this personalized immunity booster diet plan.
This is a well-balanced diet plan with immunity-enhancing foods. Individuals infected with COVID can also follow this plan for faster recovery.
If you follow this diet plan for at least three months you can build healthy eating habits that enhance your immunity and improve gut health.
Using the Hint app, you can get this personalized immunity booster plan instantly within minutes. Just download the Hint app and subscribe to the plan.
Here are the key benefits, plan duration, and frequently asked questions.
Monthly Subscription. You can renew it every month, for three months, or once a year.
Taking your dietary preferences into consideration we have the immunity booster diet plan available in 3 different diet types, such as
This is a vegetarian diet plan containing plant-based foods and dairy products. It does not include eggs, meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products.
This diet plan includes vegetarian foods and various egg recipes. It does not include meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products.
This plan includes non-vegetarian foods such as meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products in addition to dairy products, eggs, and regular vegetarian foods.
No. We recommend diabetes patients subscribe to the diabetic diet instant plan.
Immunity is the ability of our body to protect itself against harmful microorganisms which infect our body with disease.
There are different types of immunity. Innate immunity is natural immunity, everyone is born with this type of immunity. Usually, innate immunity is adopted from the mother. Adaptive immunity is active immunity that develops throughout our lives. Adaptive immunity is a type of immunity that is built up as we are exposed to diseases or get vaccinated. Passive immunity is borrowed from other sources and lasts for short periods. For example, an infant receives antibodies from the mother through breast milk and develops passive immunity.
Feeling tired all the time, frequent infections, delayed wound healing, digestive problems, frequent cold, and skin infections.
Poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, long-term usage of certain medications, autoimmune disorders, and frequent infections can be some of the reasons for low immunity.
No, there is no specific test to check immunity at home. Although, you can go ahead and have a blood test at a diagnostic center to know your immunity level by checking your complete blood picture.
Complete Blood Count (CBC) can determine if you have typical levels of infection-fighting proteins (immunoglobulins) in your blood and measure the levels of white blood cells. A high white blood cell could be an indication of bacterial or viral infection. High Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) indicate inflammation in the body. It can be due to a reaction to an infection.
Although all nutrients are important, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein are critical for the growth and function of immune cells. For more information read our blog on nutrients to support your immune system.
A host of factors are responsible for suppressing immunity such as old age, stress, environmental toxins, poor diet, malnutrition, nutritional deficiencies, excess body weight, and lack of rest and sleep. Individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, liver disorders, kidney disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders have a suppressed immune system.
Yes. A deficiency of a single nutrient can alter the body’s immune response. Eating a good quality diet can prevent nutrient deficiency. You can also take supplements to improve your immunity. Supplementation should be considered only on doctors' or a qualified dietitian’s advice.
Yes, any moderate-intensity exercise of at least 30 minutes a day is an excellent way to support the immune system.
Please read our blog on supporting your immunity through nutrition.
Please refer to various foods included in the immunity booster diet plan.
Immunity booster tea is a decoction of herbs that help boost immunity. Please refer to the recipes section on the Hint app for the recipe for immunity booster tea.
Turmeric tea, cinnamon, ginger tea, licorice root tea, peppermint tea, chamomile tea, black pepper tea, and green tea. Check out the recipes for these teas within the recipes section on the Hint app.
Yes. Green tea is high in antioxidant properties, which flush out toxins from the body and help improve immunity.
Immunity booster tablets are multivitamin tablets. This diet plan provides sufficient essential vitamins and minerals which help boost immunity. You need not consume any multivitamin tablets along with this diet plan.
If you are following this immunity booster diet plan, you do not need any home remedies to further increase your immunity.
Ghee, amla (Indian gooseberry), sweet potato, mango, pumpkin, onion, lemon, moringa, spices like cardamom, carom seeds, fennel seeds, cinnamon, black pepper, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, are some famous Indian foods to boost immunity. Most of these foods are included in this diet plan.
No, there is no specific exercise regime to boost immunity. Being physically active by engaging in walking, yoga, cardio workouts, strength training, and a combination of these exercises can directly improve your overall health and immune system.
Immunity boosting diet provides you with all the essential nutrients required to support your immune system. It improves your immune function, reduces inflammation, reduces oxidative stress, and boosts metabolism. In addition, it minimizes the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
Yes. Yoga helps in reducing stress levels in the body, strengthens respiratory health, ensures optimal functioning of all organs, and flushes out toxins from the body.
No. there is no scientific data that concludes the association between the blood group and more immune power.
Yes. Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, cashews, raisins, dates, and pista are high in omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, and protein. They help in reducing inflammation in the body and as result in enhancing immunity.
Vegetable juices included in this immunity booster plan like cucumber mint, ginger lemon, carrot juice, beetroot juice, and bottle gourd mint juice help improve immunity.
Yes. Regular usage of some spices in your diet helps improve immunity. Kalonji seeds, turmeric, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin seeds, and fenugreek seeds are some Indian spices that help in improving immunity.
Yes. All parts of the ashwagandha plant like leaves, roots, bark, fruit, and seeds are consumed for their medicinal properties but the root is most commonly used. This herb has traditionally been prescribed to strengthen immunity post an illness.
The menstrual cycle might affect immune cell numbers and affect their activity throughout the 4-week cycle. The fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone hormones can make a difference in our immune health.
Probiotics are a combination of good live bacteria and/or yeast that naturally lives in your body. Good bacteria keep your gut healthy by supporting your immune function and controlling inflammation.
Yes. Probiotics help in boosting immunity by increasing good gut bacteria which helps in efficient digestion.
Curd, raita, yogurt, buttermilk, soy-based products, cereals, legumes, cabbage, maize, pearl millet, and sorghum, are some Indian foods rich in probiotics. Most of these foods are included in this immunity booster diet plan.
Yes. Eggs are rich in protein, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids which help in increasing immunity.
Yes. Honey exerts antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer effects which are good for building the immune system. However, only consume natural honey without added sugar and do not consume more than 1 teaspoon of honey per day.
Inadequate sleep promotes oxidative stress on cells by releasing a stress hormone called cortisol, which makes immune cells work harder to balance stress levels. This overload of immune cells over some time can lead to sleep deprivation and affects the immune system.