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Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Indian

September 11, 2024
13 min read
Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Indian


  • Achieving your intermittent fasting goals is easier than ever with the Hint app.
  • Get a personalized Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan in minutes, tailored to your dietary preferences and health objectives.
  • This plan is designed to help you optimize your fasting routine while maintaining balanced nutrition.
  • Check out the do’s, don’ts, and general diet tips to make the most of your intermittent fasting journey.
  • If you have any questions that aren’t answered in the FAQs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@clearcals.com.

How To Get Started with Hint Pro or Hint Premium

Step 1: Download and Install the Hint App

Search for "Hint" on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, download, and install it on your device.

Step 2: Create an Account or Log In

Open the app, create an account, and provide your profile details, including age, gender, height, weight, and physical activity level.

Step 3: Subscribe to Hint Pro or Hint Premium

Select "Subscribe to Hint Pro" and choose a plan (monthly, quarterly, or yearly). Review the features and benefits, including access to your personalized Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan, weight loss plan, or other health goals.

For an even more personalized approach, you can consult with a qualified dietitian through Hint Premium.

Your dietitian will create a customized intermittent fasting diet plan based on your specific health goals and preferences, offering expert guidance throughout your fasting journey.

Step 5: Complete the Purchase

Complete the subscription process, and enjoy instant access to your personalized Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan with the enhanced features of Hint Pro or Hint Premium.

Incredibly designed app especially for Indian cuisine. Helps in keeping track of your daily nutrition and lifestyle. Do recommend it to everyone. Very happy with the interface and performance. No bugs at all. No ads. Just loved it. Also special thanks to the support team. Very kind and do reach out to you to solve the problem. 👍 I was under a long search for an app like this. Finally found a one-stop solution. 💖

Diet Type

Taking your dietary preferences into consideration we have the Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan available in 3 different diet types, such as:

1. Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Indian Vegetarian

This is a vegetarian diet plan containing plant-based foods and dairy products. It does not include eggs, meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products.

2. Intermittent Fasting Ovo Vegetarian Diet Plan

This diet plan includes vegetarian foods and various egg recipes. It does not include meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products.

3. Intermittent Fasting Nonvegetarian Diet Plan

This plan includes non-vegetarian foods such as meat, fish, seafood, and other animal products in addition to dairy products, eggs, and regular vegetarian foods.

These diet plans are personalized to fit your fasting routine, ensuring that you stay nourished during eating windows while adhering to your fasting goals.


Intermittent fasting (IF) involves alternating periods of fasting and eating, typically following methods like the 16/8 method (fast for 16 hours, eat during an 8-hour window) or 24-hour fasts done once or twice a week.

The Hint app recommends the 16/8 method for its balance between simplicity and effectiveness.

Fasting is an ancient practice with deep roots in religious and cultural traditions. In recent years, it has gained popularity for its effectiveness in weight loss, improving metabolic health, and enhancing overall well-being.

Who Should (and Shouldn’t) Try Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting can benefit those looking to:

  • Lose weight
  • Improve metabolic health
  • Reduce the risk of chronic diseases (e.g., type 2 diabetes, heart disease)
  • Manage food cravings and establish a more structured eating pattern

However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying intermittent fasting if you are:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Suffering from certain medical conditions (e.g., eating disorders, diabetes)
  • Taking medications that may be affected by fasting

Intermittent Fasting Side Effects

Additionally, some people may experience negative side effects such as headaches, fatigue, or irritability.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it may be a sign that intermittent fasting is not the right choice for you.

Intermittent Fasting Benefits

Weight Loss

By limiting the hours during which you can eat, intermittent fasting naturally reduces calorie intake, helping you create a caloric deficit necessary for weight loss.

In the fasted state, your body turns to fat stores for energy, promoting fat loss.

Improved Metabolic Health

Fasting helps reduce insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels, which can decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders.

The Hint Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan follows the 16/8 method, which supports metabolic health and helps balance blood sugar.

Reduced Inflammation

Intermittent fasting can reduce chronic inflammation, which is linked to heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

This diet plan encourages the consumption of anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense foods during your eating window.

Enhanced Brain Function

Fasting promotes the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that supports brain health and cognitive function.

Intermittent fasting has also been shown to improve memory, attention, and focus, while potentially protecting against conditions like Alzheimer’s.

Instant Calorie and Nutrient Tracking

One of the key features of the Hint app is its ability to track your calorie and nutrient intake, especially during your eating window.

Monitoring your intake is crucial for ensuring that you’re consuming enough nutrients while maintaining a caloric deficit for weight loss.

Using the advanced tracking features in Hint Pro, you can log meals, track macronutrients, and stay on top of essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals.

This is especially important during intermittent fasting, as you need to make sure you’re meeting your nutritional needs in a limited time frame.

6-Day Workout Plan

The Hint Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan also includes a balanced 6-day workout plan that complements your fasting schedule.

The plan features a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises that you can do at home or the gym.

The Pro Workouts feature in Hint Pro allows you to track your workouts and calorie burn for over 300 exercises, helping you stay active even while fasting.

Exercise Tips for Intermittent Fasting

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. The Hint app lets you track your water intake to stay on top of hydration.
  • Exercise During Eating Windows: Schedule your workouts during eating periods to maximize energy and recovery.
  • Start Slow: If you’re new to fasting or exercise, gradually build intensity to avoid fatigue.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you feel lightheaded or unwell, it’s important to rest and adjust your routine.

Overall, the Hint Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan is balanced, diverse, and full of nutritious foods that can aid in weight loss, improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation, and boost brain function.

Following calorie tracking and a 6-day workout plan will further enhance the health benefits.

It's a wonderful app for calorie counting and daily meal logging. It provides the micronutrient intake details as well which is great. It is affordable and easy to use. It has got quite amazing and simple Indian cuisine recipes which are easy to cook. Overall, I have been liking this app so far.

For more information on the Hint Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan, check out the do's and don'ts, tips, and frequently asked questions listed below.

Do's and Don'ts of Intermittent Fasting


  1. Start your breakfast at 11.00 a.m and complete your dinner before 7.00 p.m.
  2. Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon and mint. It increases the body's metabolism and helps you burn fat more efficiently.
  3. Start slowly and gradually increase your fasting window over time to avoid feeling overwhelmed or exhausted.
  4. Stay hydrated during fasting periods by drinking plenty of water, herbal tea, or other non-caloric beverages.
  5. Eat nutrient-dense whole foods during your eating periods to support your health and energy levels.
  6. Experiment with different fasting schedules to find what works best for you, whether it's the 16/8 method or a different approach.
  7. Listen to your body and adjust your fasting schedule as needed based on how you feel.
  8. Consider incorporating exercise into your routine, as it can support weight loss and overall health.
  9. Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure that you are meeting your nutritional needs and not overeating during your eating periods.
  10. Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness signals, and avoid overeating during eating periods.
  11. Focus on getting enough sleep each night, as sleep deprivation can negatively impact your energy levels and hunger cues.
  12. Break your fast gently with a small, nutrient-dense meal or snack to avoid digestive upset.
  13. A calorie deficit of 200 kcal has to be maintained while following this plan to prevent overeating and support weight loss.


  1. Do not skip meals during your eating periods to "save" calories for later, as this can lead to overeating and disrupt your fasting schedule.
  2. Don’t ignore hunger signals during fasting periods, as this can lead to overeating and discomfort later on.
  3. Do not rely on processed or high-calorie foods during eating periods, as this can undermine weight loss efforts and negatively impact health.
  4. Don’t push yourself to exercise vigorously during fasting periods if you feel fatigued or lightheaded, as this can be dangerous.
  5. Do not engage in fasting if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of eating disorders or other medical conditions.
  6. Avoid sugary or high-calorie drinks during fasting periods, as this can disrupt your metabolism and hinder your weight loss efforts.
  7. Do not engage in intermittent fasting as a quick fix for weight loss or as a substitute for healthy eating habits and exercise.
  8. Do not skip important medications or supplements during fasting periods without consulting with a healthcare professional.
  9. Do not engage in intermittent fasting if you have a history of low blood sugar or are prone to fainting or dizziness.
  10. Do not consume excessive amounts of caffeine or other stimulants during fasting periods, as this can negatively impact energy levels.
  11. Do not engage in fasting if you have a history of binge eating or other disordered eating patterns.
  12. Do not ignore the negative side effects of fasting, such as headaches, fatigue, or irritability, as these can indicate that your body needs more nutrients.

General Tips for Successful Intermittent Fasting

  1. Follow 8-16 hours of intermittent fasting plan, in which 16 hours is the fasting period and 8 hours window is for meals.
  2. In 16 hours of the fasting window, consuming up to 50 kcal is allowed from jeera water, lemon water, fenugreek water, detox water, green tea, or cinnamon tea
  3. Monitor your early morning weight once every week.
  4. Avoid checking your weight after meals.
  5. Measure your waist circumference once a month. Track your inch loss rather than weight loss.
  6. Keep logging meals to get insights into your calorie and nutrient intake.
  7. Drink plenty of water, herbal tea, or black coffee during fasting periods.
  8. Stay busy and distracted during fasting periods to avoid boredom and hunger.
  9. Focus on nutrient-dense, whole foods during eating windows to maximize health benefits.
  10. Avoid processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive calorie intake during windows.
  11. Plan and prepare your meals in advance to stay on track.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern that involves alternating periods of eating and fasting.

2. What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting helps in weight loss, improved metabolism, better blood sugar control, and reduced inflammation.

3. Does intermittent fasting help lose weight?

Yes. Intermittent fasting helps reduce insulin resistance and increase metabolism which helps to reduce weight.

4. What are the types of intermittent fasting?

Common methods include daily time-restricted feeding, alternate-day fasting, and periodic prolonged fasting.

5. Can we drink water during intermittent fasting?

Yes. You can drink water liberally in both the eating and fasting window of your intermittent fasting.

6. Is intermittent fasting good for PCOS?

Yes. Intermittent fasting helps reduce insulin resistance and also helps to reduce weight which is helpful in PCOS.

7. Can we drink milk during intermittent fasting?

Yes. You can include milk in the eating window of intermittent fasting.

8. Can I drink tea or coffee during intermittent fasting?

Yes. Tea or coffee can be included in moderation in the eating window of intermittent fasting.

9. Am I allowed to drink any liquids?

Drink plenty of water, herbal tea, or black coffee during fasting periods.

10. Can intermittent fasting lead to muscle loss?

Intermittent fasting is a safe & effective approach to weight loss and improving metabolic health, and it is unlikely to lead to muscle loss.

11. Is there anyone that shouldn’t intermittently fast?

Pregnant women, lactating women, diabetic patients, and people suffering from eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia nervosa should avoid it.

12. Will I be hungry and tired the entire day since I will be starving myself?

Yes, you may feel tired especially if you are new to intermittent fasting. Once your body gets adjusted to it you will feel better.

13. Can I take supplements while fasting?

Yes but keep in mind that some supplements like fat-soluble vitamins may work better when taken with meals.

14. Can I work out while fasting?

Yes. It is important to approach exercise while fasting with caution and to listen to your body.

15. What is the 16/8 method of intermittent fasting?

The 16/8 method involves restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours and fasting for the remaining 16 hours.

16. What can you drink during intermittent fasting?

You can drink water, tea, coffee, herbal infusions, and other non-caloric beverages, but avoid sugary or creamy drinks.

17. What are the disadvantages of intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting may cause hunger, fatigue, headache, mood changes, and lower athletic       performance, and may not suit everyone's lifestyle or health conditions."

18. Can I drink lemon water during intermittent fasting?

Yes, you can drink lemon water during intermittent fasting.

19. How to break intermittent fasting?

Break an intermittent fast gradually with small, nutrient-dense meals, and avoid overeating or consuming high-carb or high-fat foods.

20. Can we eat fruits during intermittent fasting?

Yes, you can eat fruits during intermittent fasting.

21. Can I drink coconut water during intermittent fasting?

Yes, you can drink coconut water during intermittent fasting.

Final Thoughts

Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool for improving your health, boosting metabolism, and achieving your weight loss goals.

By using the Hint app and subscribing to Hint Pro, you’ll gain access to personalized fasting plans, advanced calorie tracking, and workout features designed to make your fasting journey seamless and effective.

Download the Hint app today, and get started on your personalized Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan!

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