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Is Pomegranate Good For Diabetes?

January 10, 2023
8 min read
Is Pomegranate Good For Diabetes?


  • Pomegranate is a good source of vitamin B6, and vitamin C, and an excellent source of vitamin D.
  • Eating pomegranates can help support a healthy heart and boost your immune system, help fight oxidative damage in the body and reduce inflammation. 
  • Pomegranate has a low glycemic index of 35 making it an ideal fruit for diabetes.
  • The anti-diabetic properties are expressed due to the presence of punicic acid, and polyphenols in pomegranates.


Are you looking for delicious and nutritious fruit to add to your diet? 

Look no further than the pomegranate! This exotic fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help keep your body healthy and strong. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the numerous health benefits of eating pomegranates, and take a look at the research and evidence-based information to determine if pomegranates can be beneficial for diabetic patients. 

Read on to find out why you should be adding this tasty fruit to your weekly grocery list!

One small cup or 100 grams of pomegranate contains 53 kcal. It contains 88% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and 2% fat. Download the HINT app and track your calories.

Pomegranate nutritional facts

One small cup or 100 grams of pomegranate contains 53 kcal. It contains 88% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and 2% fat. Pomegranate is a good source of vitamin B6, and vitamin C, and an excellent source of vitamin D. It is low in calories and fats.

NutrientAmount per 100 grams
Energy ( kcal)53
Protein (g)1.3
Carbohydrates (g)11.6
Fat (g)0.1
Sugar (g)11
Dietary fiber (g)2.8
Sodium (mg)2
Potassium (mg)206
Calcium (mg)11
Vitamin C (mg)13
Vitamin D (mcg)109
Vitamin K (mcg)19

Download the HINT app and track your calories consumed from pomegranate.

Glycemic index (GI) of pomegranate

The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food raises blood glucose levels. 

And Pomegranates have a lower GI of 35, and a glycemic load of about 6.7, meaning they are absorbed and digested more slowly, leading to a slower and more sustained increase in blood sugar1.

Health benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making it an excellent choice for your health. So, let’s dive in and learn more about the amazing health benefits of this superfood!

1. Rich in antioxidants

Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. 

2. Helps lower blood pressure

Pomegranates contain high levels of antioxidants, including polyphenols and anthocyanins. These compounds help lower blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. 

3. Helps fight inflammation

The antioxidants in pomegranates help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to a number of chronic diseases, including heart disease and arthritis. 

4. Helps improve heart health

The antioxidants in pomegranates help reduce the risk of heart disease by improving the health of your blood vessels and preventing the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

5. Improves bone health

Pomegranates contain vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining healthy bones. Pomegranates also help reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.

6. Boosts immune System

Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, which helps improve immunity and fight off infections. 

7. Aids in weight loss and improves digestion

Pomegranates are a low-calorie, high-fiber fruit, which can help with weight loss and keep your digestive system healthy.

Although it may take a bit of effort to remove the seeds of a pomegranate, the health benefits that come along with them make it worthwhile.

Is pomegranate good for diabetes?

In addition to its delicious taste, pomegranate has also been touted as a possible aid for individuals with diabetes. But is this true? Let's explore the evidence.

According to a study published in the journal of Nutrition Research pomegranate was found to be effective in decreasing fasting blood glucose levels because of the known compounds in pomegranate, such as punicalagin, ellagic, gallic, oleanolic, ursolic, and uallic acids, which have been identified as having anti-diabetic properties2.

Key mechanism by which pomegranate fractions affect the type 2 diabetic condition is by reducing oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation2.

Another study by Khajebishak et al. (2019) concluded that supplementation with 3g of pomegranate seed oil daily shows a significant decrease in blood glucose3.

A study published in the Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, concluded that pomegranate peel, has antidiabetic and hypolipidemic activity, due to the presence of bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins, which act on α-glucosidase enzyme and increases glucose uptake3.

However, it's important to note that these studies were conducted on various parts such as the pomegranate peel, and seeds oil, respectively, so it's not clear if the same effects would be seen with whole fresh fruit in all individuals with diabetes. 

What is the difference between having pomegranate fruit and pomegranate juice?

As with most fruits, it’s always better to eat the fruit itself (the fiber-rich pomegranate seeds) for nutritional value, rather than drink bottled pomegranate juice. While there are still health benefits to the latter, pomegranate juice has less fiber and vitamin C than eating fruit arils.

According to a study conducted in Telangana,  there was a decrease in blood sugar levels, total cholesterol, and LDL in type 2 diabetic patients who consumed pomegranate juice4.

If you opt to drink your pomegranate, be aware that bottled juices may contain added sugars. 

Not only juices, other pomegranate products such as pomegranate-flavored alcoholic beverages, jams, and jellies have gained popularity these days, but we cannot ignore the fact that these are high in sugar, preservatives with added sugars or other sweeteners. Therefore it is essential to check the label before purchasing.

In conclusion, while there is some evidence to suggest that pomegranate may have potential benefits for individuals with diabetes, more research is needed to determine its effectiveness. 


While incorporating pomegranate into your diet may have some potential benefits, it's important to remember that managing diabetes requires a combination of lifestyle changes and medications. 

Despite its potential benefits, it's important to remember that pomegranate should not be used as a sole treatment for diabetes. 

Managing diabetes requires a combination of lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and taking medications as prescribed. 

Pomegranates should be on everyone's radar due to their health impacts. 

Whether as a snack or breakfast, or lunch add-on, these nutrient-dense fruits deserve a spot in your meal plan from time to time.

Go ahead, and have this delicious fruit but make sure you do not go overboard. Remember moderation is the key to good health. 

If you are looking for guidance in following a diabetic diet, download the HINT app and subscribe to the instant diabetic diet plan. It helps you control your blood glucose levels and reduces your HbA1c in a few months.

We hope that this blog has provided useful information to help you make informed decisions about your diet and health. 

Check out our recent blogs to find out if guava, orange, and papaya are good for diabetes.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it ok to eat pomegranates every day?

It is generally safe to eat pomegranates in moderation every day. However, since they are high in sugar, limiting consumption to 1 pomegranate per day is best to avoid any potential health risks related to excessive sugar consumption.

2. What are the disadvantages of pomegranates?

Pomegranates are high in natural sugars, and consuming too much can lead to weight gain. Also due to its acidic nature overconsumption can cause stomach upset and indigestion.

3. Can you eat pomegranate If you have high blood pressure?

Yes, eating pomegranates in moderation may be beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Pomegranate contains antioxidants that may help lower blood pressure. 


1. https://glycemic-index.net/

2. Banihani S, Swedan S, Alguraan Z. Pomegranate and type 2 diabetes. Nutr Res. 2013 May;33(5):341-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2013.03.003. Epub 2013 Apr 15. 

3. A.G. Valero-Mendoza, N.P. Meléndez-Rentería, M.L. Chávez-González, A.C. Flores-Gallegos, J.E. Wong-Paz, M. Govea-Salas, A. Zugasti-Cruz, J.A. Ascacio-Valdés, The whole pomegranate (Punica granatum. L), biological properties and important findings: A review, Food Chemistry Advances, Volume 2, 2023, 100153.

4. Dr. K.Jyothsna, The Study of Effect of Pomegranate Juice on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2279-0853, 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 4 Ver. III (April. 2017), PP 28-30.

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